SCDP: The State Of Nikki Haley’s State
Tonight, Nikki Haley will deliver her state of the state address, and just like previous years it’ll be a lot of lip service with few details and no results under her failed leadership. Everything Nikki Haley does shows she cares more about how things look than how businesses, families, and people are faring in South Carolina. The past three years have proven Nikki Haley’s just not good at being governor.
So while the Governor spins a rosy tale during tonight’s speech, remember the real state of the state under Nikki Haley: gross incompetence, general dysfunction, and absolutely no accountability under her failed leadership.
Nikki Haley’s administration has put children at risk in order to bring down their foster care numbers.“Sens. Katrina Shealy and Joel Lourie are part of a subcommittee that heard Wednesday about an alarming number of child deaths where the Department of Social Service was already involved. The lawmakers also heard about a system of goals that encourages social workers to keep children out of or remove them from foster care even if it isn’t the best thing to do…. The goals deeply bothered both Lourie and Shealy. ‘They are talking about wildly important goals. Let’s get the numbers down?’ Shealy said. ‘These aren’t numbers. These are people.’” [AP, 1/15/14], [WLTX, 10/3/13]
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