SHOCKER: Mathis raised $350k in first AL-06 fundraising period
Republican Sixth Congressional District candidate Dr. Chad Mathis will announce this morning that he raised over $350,000 in the first fundraising period, which concluded Dec. 31.
Here are some key takeaways the Mathis campaign gleaned from their report and shared exclusively with Yellowhammer News:
• The Mathis campaign raised $356,097.82 in the quarter and currently has $305,177.15 cash-on-hand
• 84% of the money raised came from the inside the state of Alabama
• Doctors made up 22% of contributions
• Congressmen Andy Harris, M.D. (R-MD) and Congressmen Phil Roe, M.D. (R-TN) both contributed $1,000.00 from their Congressional campaign accounts
Mathis has garnered some early support from grassroots activists and tea party-affiliated groups, including The Madison Project and FreedomWorks. But today’s fundraising report is a much stronger showing than most people expected.
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