Ron DeSantis Rips Obamacare After Latest Delay

On Monday, the Obama administration announced it was planning to delay the employer mandate for the president’s federal health-care law for another year, prompting a prominent Florida Republican to fire back.
The latest delay, the second one in the past year, moves the federal penalty on medium-sized businesses, those with between 50-99 employees, not complying with the health care law, until 2016.
“This latest delay represents an acknowledgment that Obamacare cannot be implemented as written without doing significant damage to the economy,” said U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., on Tuesday. “The employer mandate is bad policy and should be fully repealed with the rest of Obamacare; however, the administration cannot simply ignore the clear requirements of the law, especially when the motivation for the non-enforcement is transparently political. The president may think that he can ‘do whatever he wants,’ but the Constitution says otherwise.”
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