Rep. Doug Lamborn Speaks about Budget Vote
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Colorado Springs Congressman Doug Lamborn voted last Thursday for a pair of spending bills that set the budget for 2014, but he’s catching some criticism from people who are concerned about the impact it will have on military families.
The bill limits the cost of living increase for retired troops until age 62 and requires federal civilian employees to contribute 2.1% of their salary to their pension, up from <1%.
Lamborn says his vote for the budget actually benefits military families by restoring some of the defense cuts from last year’s sequestration deal. “It was a good thing that house republicans and democrats could work together to restore defense spending, that’s $20 Billion more for defense for training than we’d otherwise have; we also reduced the deficit, not nearly enough but it’s a step and we did it all without raising taxes,” says Lamborn.
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