French Hill, Republican congressional candidate, touts money effort

French Hill, the Little Rock banker seeking the 2nd District congressional seat as a Republican, reports raising $568,000 in the fourth quarter of 2013 and says he has $534,000 on hand, with no debt. He characterizes his money effort as a record for a Republican candidate in the district.
No reports yet on his Republican opponent, state Rep. Ann Clemmer.
Noted, too, was that Hill filed a report this week for a state House seat he was planning to seek beforeTim Griffin’s surprise announcement that he wouldn’t seek re-election this year. Hill raised more than $137,000 and has returned most of it to contributors. Clemmer, too, filed a state report showing she’d returned to contributors most of the $85,000 she’d raised for a state Senate race she abandoned when the 2nd District slot came opem.
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