Alan Grayson Draws New Republican Challenger

Jorge Bonilla, a Navy veteran who also served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, announced on Monday that he is seeking the Republican nomination to challenge U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla. Bonilla, a court interpreter, is hoping his Puerto Rican heritage will help win over the growing population of Puerto Ricans in Central Florida.
“I’m running because as a new father, I am deeply concerned about the direction that our country is headed in,” Bonilla said. “Our current leadership is projecting weakness to our enemies abroad, and overt hostility to our most cherished allies.
“At home we are beset by scandal, after scandal, after scandal, all of which arise out of a government that has run out of control and is seemingly unaccountable to ‘we the people.’ The central question of the 2014 election is this: Are we the people still capable of self-rule, or do we abandon the American revolution and concede that a small, connected elite from Washington, D.C., and New York, is better capable of running our lives than we are ourselves?” Bonilla continued. “This is America, guys. We can do better. We must do better, and we will do better. I know the road ahead is tough, but if you join me I know that we can work hard to restore America’s promise, and secure America’s future.”
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